Apache CloudStack vs. Nutanix as VMware Alternatives for Virtualisation Management

Apache CloudStack vs. Nutanix as VMware Alternatives for Virtualisation Management

The search for VMware alternatives has intensified amidst significant shifts in the virtualisation and enterprise cloud computing market, particularly following VMware’s acquisition by Broadcom. In this article, we will compare Apache CloudStack and Nutanix as VMware alternatives. Nutanix and CloudStack emerge as two leading options for virtualization and cloud management. With VMware’s pricing changes and […]

US Signal Shifting Workloads to Apache CloudStack After Losing Predictability with VMware

US Signal Migration from VMware to Apache CloudStack

Following the challenges arising from Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware, US Signal sought an additional IaaS solution to offer their customers. John White, Chief Operating Officer at US Signal, emphasizes the importance of companies controlling their own destinies and having full opportunities for cloud consumption.   US Signal is a leading digital infrastructure provider offering cloud, […]

Cloud Service Providers Seek VMware Alternatives as Broadcom Acquisition Looms

VMware alternatives

Decoupling VMware from the stack accounts for 50% of new CloudStack projects! The Broadcom-VMware deal has created huge uncertainty for many users over the last months. Enterprises may be able to wait to see the final outcome. Still, the service provider space, where margin and long-term product stability are key, is already looking to mitigate […]

VMware Abstraction Using Apache CloudStack

VMware Abstraction Using Apache CloudStack

The hypervisor market is in a state of flux. For over a decade, VMware has entrenched itself as the gold-standard virtualisation platform for enterprises. However, their relentless march for revenue, expected to deepen by announcements earlier this year, has led many users to reconsider their long-term strategy. In the service provider space, the weight of […]

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