CloudStack European User Group | Summary

There was a great turnout for the July meeting of the European CloudStack User Group. It was fantastic to see a good mix of developers, users, integrators and  customers: all in the room ready to share experiences and ideas around CloudStack. One interesting observation was that we had representatives from organisations using Apache CloudStack and […]

CloudStack European User Group Meeting 2013 | Roundup

The CloudStack European User group met on Thursday 11th for our quarterly meeting. We had a packed room, with standing room only  and attendees coming from as far afield as UK, France, Turkey and Germany. Giles Sirett (CEO of ShapeBlue, Chairman of the Group, and author of this blog)  opened the meeting with his usual […]

Bangalore cloud conference

 As the world transitions to the cloud era, the convergence of private, enterprise clouds and public cloud services offers exciting new possibilities to IT teams and businesses. This event will give an executive briefing on  the drivers, developments and innovations that are expected to influence the adoption of cloud over the next 12 months.The target […]


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