Ensure you receive instant alerts about performance issues, downtime, or important events within your infrastructure. Learn how utilizing Prometheus exporters and Zabbix enables real-time insights into system performance, ensuring proactive issue resolution and resource optimization.
This White Paper explores the details of monitoring Apache CloudStack – monitoring of the CloudStack mgmt servers, usage servers, agents and load (CPU/memory/disk io), MySQL server (database uptime and related stats), NFS and other storage components, CPU, memory, hypervisors and more. The document provides an overview of Apache CloudStack, hypervisors, Prometheus and Zabbix, followed by a comparison of the two monitoring tools, and a step-by-step guide to integrate them with CloudStack and hypervisors for efficient performance monitoring.
This White Paper focuses on the use of Prometheus exporters and Zabbix as effective monitoring solutions. The document provides an overview of Apache CloudStack, hypervisors, Prometheus and Zabbix, followed by a comparison of the two monitoring tools, and a step-by-step guide to integrate them with CloudStack and hypervisors for efficient performance monitoring.
In this section, you will look at the monitoring tools on offer and hone in on Zabbix and Prometheus.
Topics covered:
A quick and very high level comparison of Prometheus and Zabbix.
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This section provides general best practices when monitoring Apache CloudStack.
This section covers the various hypervisors to be monitored, as well as the various CloudStack aspects, such as network and storage.
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Lucian Burlacu, Cloud Architect at ShapeBlue
Lucian is a Cloud Architect at ShapeBlue, with extensive experience in hosting, virtualization, and datacenter operations. As a user and contributor to Apache CloudStack, he brings a wealth of expertise to the table. Lucian’s background allows him to offer unique insights from both user and cloud architect perspectives with CloudStack, making him a valuable asset to the community. With his in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience, Lucian is committed to enhancing the functionality and usability of CloudStack for all stakeholders.
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