Citrix CloudPlatform 4.2 – a first review

With much fanfare, Citrix yesterday formally announced the 4.2 release of their IaaS cloud orchestration technology CloudPlatform. In parallel, the Apache Software Foundation are about to announce version 4.2 of Cloudstack. In this article, Giles Sirett CEO of ShapeBlue gives his first impressions on CloudPlatform 4.2   At ShapeBlue, we’ve had both of these technologies […]

CloudStack 101

What Is Apache CloudStack™ Apache CloudStack™ is an open source software platform that pools computing resources to build Public, Private, and Hybrid Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Clouds. Apache CloudStack manages the Network, Storage, and Compute nodes that make up a Cloud infrastructure. The Story So Far. CloudStack started life as VMOps, a company founded […]

Apache CloudStack 4.1 – New Feature Review

CloudStack 4.1 has just been released, bringing with it a raft of new features and improvements. 4.1 presents a milestone for Apache CloudStack as it is the first release since the projects graduation to a top level Apache project. Here’ I take a detailed look at some of the new features Add / Remove Network on […]

Apache CloudStack 4.1 – New Features | CloudStack Feature First Look

CloudStack 4.1 is soon to be released, bringing with it a raft of new features and improvements; here I look at some of those new features that the latest release brings. Add / Remove Network on VM Pre CloudStack 4.1, NICs could only be added to a VM during VM Creation. This new feature means they […]

Citrix Cloudstack 3.0 – a first review

Cloudstack version 3.0 is the first version of the established cloud orchestration technology to be built by Citrix themselves after their acquisition of last year. Giles Sirett, Managing Consultant of ShapeBlue the strategic CloudStack consultancy gives his first impressions of the new version. We’ve had the final beta of CloudStack 3.0 on the bench […]


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