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This guide is designed for VMware users who want to migrate their existing vSphere environment to a robust IaaS cloud environment based on Apache CloudStack and the KVM Hypervisor, ensuring a smooth, low-friction migration journey. Migration from VMware ESXi hosts on vCenter to a KVM hypervisor environment in Apache CloudStak is a key step towards eliminating vendor lock-in and decreasing licensing costs.
ShapeBlue and Ampere Computing collaborated on preparing a Reference Architecture guide that offers a straightforward set of instructions to help you deploy a CloudStack-based IaaS cloud on ARM64 architecture powered by Mt. Collins by Ampere.
Compare the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of running on-premise cloud infrastructure and hosting with the hyperscalers. Use the ShapeBlue calculator to evaluate the costs of using hyperscalers like AWS, Azure, or GCP versus managing your own infrastructure. What savings can you achieve with Cloud Repatriation?
This POC guide gives you all the guidance you need to perform a successful Proof of Concept of Apache CloudStack. By following this guide, you will be prepared for what to expect from the technology and how to move into production. The guide gives detailed configuration information. At the end of this PoC, you will have a highly available, reliable and flexible CloudStack-powered cloud.
Apache CloudStack provides a seamless transition for current VMware users, offering a straightforward pathway for service providers to adopt a highly scalable and reliable open-source solution. By adopting Apache CloudStack, organizations can ensure vendor independency, ushering in a new era of flexibility and autonomy.


This guide is designed for VMware users who want to migrate their existing vSphere environment to a robust IaaS cloud environment based on Apache CloudStack and the KVM Hypervisor, ensuring a smooth, low-friction migration journey. Migration from VMware ESXi hosts on vCenter to a KVM hypervisor environment in Apache CloudStak is a key step towards eliminating vendor lock-in and decreasing licensing costs.
This ShapeBlue IaaS Quick Build Guide provides a straightforward set of instructions to get you up and running with a CloudStack-based Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud.
This White Paper focuses on the use of Prometheus exporters and Zabbix as effective monitoring solutions. The document provides an overview of Apache CloudStack, hypervisors, Prometheus and Zabbix, followed by a comparison of the two monitoring tools, and a step-by-step guide to integrate them with CloudStack and hypervisors for efficient performance monitoring.
This POC guide gives you all the guidance you need to perform a successful Proof of Concept of Apache CloudStack. By following this guide, you will be prepared for what to expect from the technology and how to move into production. The guide gives detailed configuration information. At the end of this PoC, you will have a highly available, reliable and flexible CloudStack-powered cloud.

White Papers and Solution Briefs

A white paper describing the integration of Dell PowerFlex storage with the Apache CloudStack Infrastructure-as-a-Service platform. This integration facilitates the deployment of reliable and easy-to-manage cloud infrastructure with KVM hypervisor using the PowerFlex storage.

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure-as-code tool created by Hashicorp and Licensed through the Apache 2 License.

By using Terraform, end users can easily create complex infrastructures anywhere since Terraform has a huge list of providers supported, including Apache CloudStack.

This Solution Brief aids cloud and storage architects, consultants, administrators, and field practitioners in the design and deployment of reliable, easy-to-manage, and cost-efficient cloud infrastructure based on Apache CloudStack working with KVM hosts and StorPool Storage.

Combining Apache Cloudstack with LINBIT SDS creates a perfect environment for Cloud Providers, Hosting Companies, Finance Industries, ISP’s and many more.

LINBIT SDS provides organizations with the performance, simplicity, and flexibility they need from storage infrastructures.

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