
CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2014

Thoughts on – CloudStack Collaboration conference NA 2014

We’re under two weeks away from the annual North American CloudStack Collaboration conference (CCCNA14) , an event purely focussed on the Apache CloudStack project, its developers, its users and it ecosystem: in summary, the community.

CCCNA14 is in Denver, Colorado 9-11 April and promises over 60 sessions on CloudStack content across 3 different tracks, numerous tutorials and some great keynotes. This conference follows two previous cloudstack conferences in North America and a highly successful European CloudStack conference in Amsterdam in Novermber 2013.

As many people will have already noticed, the conference is being co-located with ApacheCon NA this year. Along with ApacheCon, the event is being organised by The Linux Foundation, who have done a great job in producing such a sizable conference. Although the two previous US CloudStack conferences were a great success, it seemed sensible to co-locate with another sizeable open-source conference and to hand over the organising of our growing conference to an organisation that live and breath open source conferences.

ShapeBlue and CloudStack Collab

As always, ShapeBlue will be well represented at CloudStack Collab. We’re proud to be both Gold sponsors and lanyard sponsors this year and are looking forward to meeting up with fellow community members, many customers & business partners at our booth in the main venue lobby.

We’re presenting a total of 6 talks at the conference: giving an insight into our wide experiences in designing & building CloudStack environments across both service providers and enterprise customers.

Mini CloudStack Bootcamp

After it was so well received at the last CloudStack Collab, we’ve decided to run another ShapeBlue CloudStack Bootcamp course on the hackathon day (  This is usually a 2 day fast paced course in CloudStack, that we managed to squeeze into a day for the Amsterdam conference. For this conference, we’ve had to squeeze it down even further as there was pressure on the schedule. We’ve only got only 3 hours to take sutdents through 9 different CloudStack subjects and 4 hands-on labs (therefore the addition of “mini”) If you want to come along – don’t be late (and make sure you buy the guys a beer afterwards)

Our talks

ShapeBlue will be presenting a total of 6 talks at the conference this year. Unfortunately Geoff, our CTO, is currently up to his arms in diapers so he’s not able to come and share some of the great work he’s been doing recently on CloudStack reference architectures.

However, Paul Angus has had an unprecedented 4 talks accepted on a wide range of subjects

Giles, our CEO, is doing a talk (or more an interactive session he tells us) around the perception problems and lack of awareness that CloudStack has traditionally suffered from compared with other simiar projects. As you’d expect from him, the title to straight to the point:


Back by popular demand, Tariq will be delivering a talk around metering, usage and billing data in CloudStack. This is a must-see talk for anybody looking to commercialise services around CloudStack

All in all, CloudStack Collab is looking like its going to be a great event. At ShapeBlue, we’re proud to be part of, and support, such a fantastic open-source community. And, as always, we’re looking forward to a few beers with so many of our friends in one place.

The CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2014 is in Denver,  CO 9-11 April 2014

Further information and registration can be found here



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