What’s New in Apache CloudStack 4.19

apache cloudstack 4.19

Apache CloudStack 4.19 is the latest release of the cloud management platform from the Apache Software Foundation and is a result of months of work from the development community. Apache CloudStack 4.19 is an LTS (Long Term Support) release that will be maintained for 18 months after release. As always, the release contains a myriad […]

CloudStack DRaaS Capabilities and Opportunities for Cloud Providers

Apache CloudStack 4.19 introduces features that enhance its DR capabilities, which are suited especially to the needs of cloud providers. This approach delivers efficient measures to restore systems post-disruption and empowers users with flexibility and control, allowing them to adapt their individual DR strategy to their operational needs.

CloudStack India User Group 2024

The CloudStack India User Group 2024 will be taking place in Hyderabad on 23rd February. Join the community for insightful tech talks, demonstrations, and user stories. Whether you’re already familiar with Apache CloudStack or keen to explore this technology, the user group is open to everybody. Just like all gatherings organised by the Apache CloudStack […]

CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2023 Event Roundup

The 2023 edition of the CloudStack Collaboration Conference occurred from November 23rd to 24th, serving as the primary gathering for the global Apache CloudStack community. This annual hybrid event convenes developers, operators, and users with the purpose of discussing and advancing the open-source software, exploring its functionalities, and addressing real-world operability. Attendees gain insights into […]

From Block to Object: Understanding CloudStack’s Storage Support and Capabilities

CloudStack Storage - Storage Integrations and Supported Technologies

Apache CloudStack is designed to work with a vast range of commodity and enterprise-grade storage platforms. It can also leverage local disks on hypervisor hosts if supported by the hypervisor.  CloudStack defines two types of storage: Primary and Secondary. Primary storage can be accessed using iSCSI, FC (Fibre Channel), Local Disk, NFS (Network File System), […]

Building Next-Generation IaaS | Virtual Event Roundup

On October 10th, ShapeBlue, Ampere Computing and LINBIT held a joint virtual event – Building Next-Generation IaaS. The event explored how the synergy between ARM, Apache CloudStack and LINBIT’s storage solutions can achieve a formidable price-to-performance ratio. There were a total of 3 sessions held by speakers from all 3 organisations. Continue reading to learn […]

OpenStack Alternatives

While OpenStack is known for its modularity, enabling tailored deployments, many users face issues regarding complexity, resource intensiveness, stability concerns, and challenging upgrades. As a result, organizations are exploring OpenStack alternatives. This article provides insights into the top alternatives to OpenStack – Apache CloudStack, VMware vCloud, and OpenNebula.

Cloud Service Providers Seek VMware Alternatives as Broadcom Acquisition Looms

VMware alternatives

Decoupling VMware from the stack accounts for 50% of new CloudStack projects! The Broadcom-VMware deal has created huge uncertainty for many users over the last months. Enterprises may be able to wait to see the final outcome. Still, the service provider space, where margin and long-term product stability are key, is already looking to mitigate […]


Download a step-by-step guide to migrate your existing vSphere environment to a robust IaaS cloud environment based on Apache CloudStack and the KVM Hypervisor, ensuring a smooth, low-friction migration journey.